Sunday, October 4, 2009


As I posted a couple entries ago, I got a radio, which I am loving so much. Tonight they played Step by Step by New Kids on the Block, and it was fantastic.

Every several songs, they play a Czech song. Now, I don't know if these are popular songs or anything, but I do enjoy some of them. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't have to understand music to like it - I love Arabic music, Croatian music, anything folksy and ethnic, even if I don't speak the language.

But now that I know a few words here and there in Czech, I start to hear them. Or, rather, IMAGINE hearing them, because there's absolutely no way that they're saying what I think they're saying. Especially when I hear random English words in the same sentence.

The example that caused this entry is a song that sounds like the guy is singing, "freshness sebou". That would mean... freshness to go (to go as in, "I'd like my order to go" in a restaurant).

I also heard the word for the number 4 (čtyři) at least 'deset krat' in that song.



  1. New Kids on the Block!!! I feel like I do not even know you!

  2. ...then we're even :) Who the heck are you?
