Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Food Chain

Today I was actually ready on time. I got in my car, and in no hurry, sat for a minute or two fiddling with the radio. I rolled down the window because my side mirror was too foggy to see anything. I started to wipe it off.

Just then, I saw a baby bunny run into the street from my neighbor's yard. Before I could even think, "Aww," a cat leapt out from the yard as if they'd been chasing for some time. Right there, a mere 10 feet away from me, the cat caught the baby bunny by its neck. I saw the bunny struggle and shake. The cat ran into some high grass across the street where I could still see it. It dropped the bunny, and I waited for it to run away but I guess it was too late.

I was horrified. I kept thinking, maybe I could have done something to save the bunny. I could have beeped the car horn, or yelled something because my window was down, just to scare the cat away. Then I thought, why? Just because the bunny was cute? All animals have to eat. I had hoped this thought would make me feel better, but it didn't. I tried to close my eyes on the bus to sleep but I just kept seeing the lifeless little bunny.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I know this is kind of a screwy thing to say, but a long talk I had with my brother once came to mind this morning on the bus, just because he's coming to visit soon and not really for any other reason.

We were talking about relationships, and he said how the person who cares less has the power in the relationship. And today I was trying to come up with any relationship in my life - ANY relationship - in which I care more than the other person. And you know, I don't think there is one. I guess you could say the one with my parents, because I think we care equally. But I don't think there's *more* caring on my part than theirs. That's not to say I don't love people, I just don't think I care as much as they do. Like, if someone gets mad at me, I don't feel bad because I might lose them, I only feel bad if I did something to hurt someone, but that's just my conscience talking.

The saddest part of all that is that this really isn't sad to me at all.

I wonder if this has anything to do with my broken crystal?

Lovely day

I just spent a lovely day in the park (well a couple of parks) with Hernaldo. As mentioned previously, I got an SLR camera and wanted to take it out for a spin today.

After bumming around the house and watching Princesas, we finally got out of the house. Went down to the Riverfront Park in Sewickley and played on the big train and walked around. I got some beautiful pictures and I can't wait to learn even more stuff to do with my awesome camera. I especially can't wait to use it in Prague.

My pictures look so artsy and came out so gorgeous, I just can't get over it. It helped that I had an absolutely adorable model (most pictures are of Hernaldo:).

Another weekend went by where I got no packing done at all.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Early Morning Lisa

I like when people have really clever remarks. Therefore I will put one here.

(during a discussion of the funny names that wedding colors have)
Me: My dress for Shannon's wedding is "espresso". The other color she's using is sky blue, which probably isn't called "sky blue" anymore.
Lisa: Yeah, it probably has a much fancier name.
Me: Periwinkle...
Lisa: I don't know, that's still pretty standard.
Me: Yes, it was very crayola of me to say that. You know, I knew every color in the 96-crayons box. I heard there are more colors now, though.
Lisa: Yeah, you're really dating yourself by mentioning that.

Hahaha... I love that we can determine someone's age by number of crayons in their Crayola box. The people who had 8 colors are probably dead by now...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Things are taking longer than expected... and I am feeling frustrated.

Especially since I bought my first REAL camera tonight - sure I've had point-and-shoots before, but tonight I bought an SLR camera with changeable lens. I literally have no idea how to use it, but it's been a long time that I've wanted to get into photography, and I think now that I'll be starting this journey and seeing way more of the world in the next 3 years or so than I have thus far in my whole life, it is time to get better at recording it.

It's a big manual, but I think I can do it...

Sadly I don't really have any other news to report. Work is okay, I'm finally done with training as of today (for a while, anyway). No, scratch that, I have to do another certification tomorrow. I had one today but it was easy and enjoyable because Beliza is smart. I can't say that tomorrow's won't be smart, because I have not met the guy for more than about 30 seconds on his first day. Oh well.

It is pouring like crazy here, I haven't seen this much rain in at least a year. I live on a hill and it was like a river flowing down. There were little fountains splashing at least several inches up in the air where the water hit into a pile of rubble or a rock or car tires.

I'm loving it, provided it stops before I have to go to work tomorrow.. I hate going to work in the rain.

Okay, that's all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Amazon.com purchases

Today I bought the following movies on Amazon.com:

- Princesas
- Nueva Yol I & III
- Willy Wonka (the original, not the remake)
- La mujer de los dos (a really cheesy mexican movie starring Los Temerarios. Sadly, I have already seen this movie three times)

I am super excited about all of these.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

No news is good news...?

Nothing new to update... I just hate not updating at all.

I am getting really eager to just get out of here. Waiting is hard. I'll be sad to leave everyone of course.. but all these "stress-related" things keep happening to me. The funny thing is I don't *feel* stressed, but all this stuff that's going on with me, people say is all stress-related.

I already wrote about how I'm dropping everything, but now I have this horrible jaw pain. I mentioned it to a few people, my dentist included, and they all said, "You are probably clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth at night." WTF, I've never done that in my life. Who starts a habit like that at age 26? I asked, why would that happen out of nowhere?
"Probably stress."

Well I'll be damned.

Other than horrible shots of pain in my jaw when I move it a certain way, life is pretty good. I think that all this stuff will magically disappear once I'm there and settled.

Here's hoping. :)