Monday, April 27, 2009


A lot of little things (well, little in the grand scheme of things, big(ish) things for me) keep happening to just reassure me further that I made the right decision in moving away (i.e. getting the hell out of here).

It's nearly 1am. I can't sleep, and I have to wake up in ~3.5 hours for work.

While I was in Prague, I kept making comparisons, both to others and just in my head. Listing out how something was there, and comparing it to here. A lot of times it was in favor of Pittsburgh. Like how cold the people acted, and how in Pittsburgh everyone is so friendly. Or how in restaurants in Pgh you could get water for free, and free refills on anything else, but that in Prague you can't, and water costs money.

Well here's a big one in favor of Prague:

In Prague, not once did I have trouble sleeping.

I'm going to go try again.


  1. It happens all the time, these comparisons. And you are never satisfied, because you remember just good things from places you've been to and you lived in. At some point, you will stop comparing and just start enjoying where you are! I hope it will happen in Prague :)))

  2. It will :) Ever since I've been back I have missed it so much. I found Pilsner Urquell, though.. too bad it's like $5/glass... haha. :)
