Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pittsburgh Day

Since it seems to be common knowledge at work now, I guess I can say it in here. I'd been trying to keep it hush but when I got back from Prague, everybody knew it. :)

I am moving to Prague. As in... completely relocating. I'm nervous and excited... about 30% nervous and 70% excited.

Today was one of those days I wanted to spend doing things I'll miss once I'm there. I set out with Ash relatively early in the day, and then Maira texted and we decided to go to Fathead's for lunch. (Jose probably just made some kind of excited noise as he read this:).

After that we wanted to do something super Pittsburghy, so we parked at Station Square and decided to go down to the Gateway Clipper for a river cruise. Unfortunately they're not running regularly until May, so we couldn't get one. We had already paid the parking, so we walked down through Station Square, and then down on the walk along the river. Maira and I both had our cameras so we decided to have Photo Shoot Day and took a ridiculous amount of pictures of each other. :) It was such a beautiful day with the sun shining and everything.

After that we went back to the car and went down to Cheesecake Factory and each got a piece to go, then went to this nice area with a fountain and benches to sit and enjoy it. I took Maira home after that, then Ash left, and I felt really content.

I get such mixed feelings. I think to myself how much I'll miss days like this. And then I think how I'll have more days like this, in a new and exciting place. Then I think how the days won't be with my friends here. Then I think how I'll make new friends. Then I think how no new friends will replace these that I've had practically my whole life. I go back and forth all the time, but I will say this.. not once since I made this decision to relocate have I regretted it, or thought for a second that I might not want to go.

I talked to Morad for a long time on MSN, and now I'm punishing my day of glee by making myself work on my UAT slides :) I've been at it for an hour and a half but really all I did was watch the SNL special "Best of Amy Poehler" and file one defect.

Oh well, I will get back to it and will be in bed by 2am.

Tomorrow I am going to visit family, then hang out with Morad. It will be another good day, especially if I don't have to worry about UAT. That's why I am determined to finish tonight :)

Buenas noches, mi gente.