Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Mall

Zé and I just went to the mall after a very hectic day of work. It reminded me of the malls I went to in Brazil, I'm not sure exactly why they feel different than the malls in the U.S. Maybe because there was a grocery store inside...

We walked around for a while looking for some stuff for him, and I was happy just to be out a little. After that I decided that tonight will be my first night to just RELAX. Zé was going home for dinner so I decided to go get some take-out from a Lebanese restaurant there. I got up to the front of the line to pay, and the guy there looked crazy arab so I decided to ask.

Me: Are you Lebanese?
Him: No...
Me: (figuring he's just a Czech disguised like an Arab)
Him: Where are you from?
Me: (and this just came out in Arabic for some reason, even though he just said he wasn't lebanese), Falasteen.
Him: Ahhh ana kameyn!!! hel enti min Ramallah?
Me: La, min 3aseera shamaleya
Him: Wayn bi 3aseera?
Me: m3a b3arif, baba min falasteen, ana amrikeya
Him: Ahh and you're here to study?
Me: No, I'm here for work.
Him: Are you living here?
Me: Well, for two months, yes.

And then we had an awkward moment and I took my change and left. I'm going back though, I'm going to force him to be my friend because 1) he was cute and 2) he was close to my age and 3) he knows how to smile and 4) he is Arab.

There was an older, creepier looking guy, too, who was obviously Arab, but I would be his friend anyway because that's how desperate I am here.

I'm gonna go eat my kubsa and humus and watch one of the movies that Thiagão gave me. Thanks Thi.. ;-)

Beijos, amores.