Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dr. Czechová

I realize I haven't updated for a long time. Reasons for this are that 1. mothing especially exciting has happened, and 2. if I did write in the last few weeks, it would have been depressing, as I've been under a lot of stress, to the point of getting physical symptoms of stress. This brings me to today's story: Dr. Czechová.

Over the last month or so, I've been suffering from headaches, tension in my jaw that won't go away, and sheer mental exhaustion - I can't pay attention when people speak to me, I space out frequently, I'm seriously just a mess. Everyone kept telling me, take a couple days off from work and just stay home and sleep. Did I listen? No. Should I have? Yes.

On Saturday night as I was walking to the tram stop from Akropolis, I got a sharp pain in my right leg. I could barely walk or put any pressure on the leg. I managed to get home just fine, as I was near the tram stop when it happened and I found a taxi to get me to my building from the tram stop in Andel. I figured, just rest, it will be better tomorrow.

I woke up on Sunday with the same leg pain, but now an even worse pain in the side/middle of my back. It felt like I pulled a muscle, though I have no idea how I could have done so. Again, I figured, just rest, do some stretches, it will go away. Sunday night it wasn't better at all - I started to worry, and to play it safe, texted my boss to let him know I might not be in, as I couldn't even walk, just hobble. I ended up staying home yesterday (Monday). I said to myself, if it wasn't better today, I'd go see the doctor. When I woke up it still hurt, so I called off work and made an appointment for 11:30am. Took a taxi and arrived right on time.

"Ms. Douglas?"
I follow the woman to the examination room.
"Do you speak Czech?"
"Ah, my English is not well." (Maybe her English should have been seeing the doctor?)
"It's okay."
"So tell me what is problem?"
I told her the story, starting with Saturday night through the morning. I explained that my leg was feeling better but my back muscle was still bothering me, still in this weird "spasm" phase.

"Ah, so show me where is pain."
I point on my back to where it is.
She punches me in the muscle. "Is it pain?"
"No, it's only when I move in certain ways. Walking is painful for it, because of the way the muscle moves I think."
"Ah, so I should think it is problem with your spine."
"My spine? I really don't think so. It really feels like a muscle."
"So is problem with your kidneys, yes? Strip me your shirt, please."
....okay. So I strip her my shirt.
"Lie on table. Is this pain? Is this pain? Is this pain?" while moving my leg in all different directions.
"No, my leg is better, it's my back muscle that hurts."
"Ah, your lower back! Yes."
"No, it's in the middle, on my right side, like I showed you."
"Okay, so I don't know what is problem. I give you pill for pain. If next week it is still pain, return to me and I will take your blood."

.....okay. I left feeling dejected and unexamined, as she barely touched my back to see where the pain was. I asked if the prescription was at least for a muscle relaxer, since it's in that jerky phase that's very painful, and a muscle relaxer would let it RELAX and heal, but no. This is just for the pain. "Muscle relaxer will make you sleepy." So? I'M NOT AT WORK TODAY, IF YOU DIDN'T NOTICE.

Anyway, I didn't feel like talking to her anymore so I left. The weather was lovely today and it felt good to be outside. Of course my leg started hurting on the way home, but only minimally.

I'm going to go lie down, I think it's back to the grind for me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. best part of this post - "Ah, my English is not well." (Maybe her English should have been seeing the doctor?)

    I miss you too much! I hope you are able to walk tomorrow! :)
