Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No real updates

I finally balanced my checkbook. I got so tired of the changing exchange rates on my online bank statment and having to fix the errors that I decided to just wait until I was back in the US for a while to do it. It took a couple of hours but it's done :)

I've been doing some preliminary apartment hunting in Prague but so far nothing really strikes me. I don't really know where I want to live, but I posted for some help on and everybody was really helpful. I like that site very much. You get the occasional sarcastic comment from some jackass who has nothing better to do with his time, but for the most part the people really want to help you.

I'm at work now and procrastinating a little project that I'm not sure how to start. I know it's one of those things that once I get started I'll churn out pretty quickly, but starting with a blank page in MS Word is always the toughest thing. Oh well, it's due Friday so I really can't put it off any further. Maybe I'll even finish today and not have to worry about it the rest of the week.

There are latin parties galore coming up, I'm glad DJ Juan Diego is back in business, along with Sonido Azteca. They're two of my favorite DJs and when they play together it's always a really good time. There's a party this Saturday, I hope I can weasel out of my "current duties" to go with Tara.

Wellllll that's that. Man I am boring in Pittsburgh. I need to go back to Praha asap so I can make this blog interesting again.

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