Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fire Prevention

I just took a Fire Safety and Prevention test for work, that was very obviously translated from Czech by someone who does not speak native English. There was a little flash-animated cartoon to show what to do in case of a fire. I'd like to share this with you all.

Guy sees a fire outside the door. He says, "Is it not burning there....?"
He moves to the side of the door. "I will stay rather past the door. Who knows....are not they hot....???"
He holds up his hand. "Oh! It is warm...! I will call for help...!"
He looks at the small fire extinguisher on the floor. "This one could not help me much."
Another guy slides into the picture. "OK, we are two! Let's go!"
The other guy says, "Carefully, I will open it just a little."
He opens the door a bit and the first guy uses the hose the fire.

Wow. That was priceless.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I <3 New York

In four days I'm going to New York City to pick up my long-term work visa. It's official - Tara and Maira have their tickets and we're staying the whole weekend!! My entire heart just bursts with happiness every time I think of it. I'm so excited to see them, I can't even put it into words. We don't have much on the agenda for the trip, other than salsa dancing, clubbing, and going to Central Park (to try to find where Blair and Nate kissed in one episode of Gossip Girl). Either way it's going to be awesome, whatever we do, because we will all be together. Maira and Tara better be ready for me to squeeze the life out of them with 5000 hugs.

What else?

It was a good weekend. On Friday I invited Beliza and Henrique to dinner at my place and for Wii party. I made mujaddara (middle eastern dish made from lentils and rice with caramelized onions on top) and a lovely cucumber and tomato salad with homemade dressing. It was a wild success - the food was delicious, we had a blast playing Wii and drinking wine (with dinner) and white russians (after dinner), took a lot of pictures (see Facebook), and just generally had a good time.

Saturday I went to see a movie with Beliza in the afternoon and had some quick dinner afterward together, a nice talk as usual (she's one of the best people to have conversations with, I really feel like I can talk to her about anything), and then home. Katy and Derrick came over around 9pm and we had some drinks and played Wii. Katy and I got ready and then we all headed out to Radost for dancing. Around 2am we got bored there, it was full of annoying Americans (sorry, America), so we headed to Rincon Latino for more dancing. I mostly hung out with Sbendi and a couple other random people. Katy and Derrick left, I stayed a bit more, but got tired around 4:30am and headed home.

And today was just nothing.. I slept late and finished a book, started another book, watched the end of a movie Beli put on my computer, and watched the new episode of The Office. I talked to Tara for over an hour using my MagicJack (magicjack.com) and then to my mom just now for another hour or so. How lovely to be able to talk to people again in the comfort of my home. :)

It's about 9:30pm now. I think I'll read some more and go to bed early tonight.

Adios :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

TV Update

They delivered it after work today, around 6:30pm. I paid 2100Kc for the delivery to be included (totally worth it), it works, and I totally played 5 minutes of Wii. Well, I just made a Mii for my neighbor. I didn't really feel like playing.

Annnnd....now I have 544Kc left in my bank account. When is payday again? :)

Cena Española

Last night I went to a Spanish dinner with some Spanish friends. Actually there were four Spaniards, one Brazilian, three Czechs, and me. :)

We went to a restaurant that I got terribly lost trying to find. I got to I.P. Pavlova without a problem, and from there I was supposed to take the number 11 tram just a couple of stops to Italska. I got out of the tram to IP Pavlova and didn't see an 11 anywhere. As I was standing there, a guy came up to talk to me who was about 40 years old and a bit of a creeper. He kept speaking Czech and I finally said, "I don't speak Czech."
"Not re.. wait, what?"
"I saw your face and I thought you were Arab, because of your eyes." He then asked if he could see me tomorrow (today) for a coffee, and I just said a polite no.

It's always nice to be picked out on the street as an Arab though :) Makes me feel closer to my roots.

I tried to ask a Czech woman where I could get the number 11 tram to Italska, but she just looked at me with a burning, angry stare and then looked away. So I just said, "Fine," and went to an Indian guy behind her and asked him. He was super nice. She then turned around, maybe feeling bad, to try to help but at that point I didn't want to hear what she had to say. How rude when someone just asks you where a street is and you just give a bitchy look and roll your eyes away. She could have just said something - anything - even in Czech - and given a little smile and I'd have left her alone. Anyway, the Indian guy was super nice and showed me where the 11 would stop. It started to rain then, so I hurriedly got on the tram and, content, waited a few stops.

Except none of the stops sounded familiar. After 4 stops I realized I was going the wrong way on the tram, and had to get off (in the rain) and turn around and go 6 stops now. I found the restaurant after that relatively easily, and was only about 15 minutes late.

The dinner was lovely, and everyone was so welcoming and nice. The Czech people spoke really great Spanish, I spoke a lot of Portuguese with the Brazilian guy (Marcelo), and everyone seemed to have a great time. The food was good and not overpriced, and the evening was just a success all around. It's always nice to meet new people.

We left around 11 (yes, 4-hour dinner) and I got home around midnight because I got a bit lost again. All in all though I was glad I went, even if I'm exhausted today.

In other news, I found a 70cm TV for 1900Kc :) Petr said he'll help me carry it up the stairs, and that I can bring it home in a taxi (I'm buying it used from someone who left the country). I will pay him back with 500 games of bowling and his very own Mii. :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bleeding Black and Gold

Sunday I set out with Beliza to see the Steelers game. We went first to a place that was recommended by some people on expats.cz called the Dubliner. We settled in, took one look at the menu, and left. It was purely for expats - that is, expats who don't earn Czech salaries. 245Kc for a burger? Are you kidding me? I said a big "whatevs" to that and we headed to another pub/restaurant called Jama.

We got in there and settled down in a back room with two TVs with two different games that would be on that night. We ordered beer and food and happily waited for the game to start. The owner, a really nice guy in his late 30s or so, came back and explained that they'd have three different games total in the place. I asked him, "Which TV will have the Steelers?"
"Are you sure they're playing?"
"They aren't listed...I don't think they're playing."
"Trust me, they're playing!"

He explained that they get one or two satellite channels and the armed forces network. He said another place called Golden Star got more channels than they did at Jama, and that we should try there. To be nice we stayed and had our food (which was awesome - total American food! - wings and burgers!) and then headed over to the Golden Star.

We got there and looked through all the rooms at the different TVs, but there was no black and gold anywhere. As we were standing around looking, a nice older guy said, "Hey girls, these seats are free if you'd like to join my friend and me."

So we sat down. His name was Leslie and he was from Canada, and his French friend was Thomas. We had a nice conversation and when I told him that I was really there to see the Steelers, he called a guy who was a big Lions fan over to heckle me. Of course, a Lions fan has no chance of heckling a Steelers fan, because which team has the most Superbowl wins in NFL history? That's right. So he can shut up. But no, really he was very nice and didn't say anything nasty. Plus we ended up winning, so.... anyway, next week we'll go back and hopefully they'll be showing the game.

And yesterday (Monday) was uneventful until after work. My magic jack arrived in the mail from Dad, who sent it to his wife Sheila, who gave it to Mom, who mailed it to me. After a lot of trouble and a late-night run to Tesco for batteries (which I ended up not needing), I was finally able to make and receive calls :) I talked to Maira, my dad, my mom, Sheila, my little sister, and my little brother :) I couldn't be happier - the quality is just perfect and I just used my headphones and a microphone. It's just like talking on the phone normally - no lag, clear voices, it's just the greatest thing ever.

Hooray for getting to hear my family's voices!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How many Prahas can you visit in a day?

I haven't felt like updating but I had such a crazy week that I really must.

Before I go on, the story I'm about to tell is a bit awkward, but also natural. Please pardon any personal info here - I really think the story is greater than my pride. Sorry, Mom.

In the US, I was taking birth control pills, for reasons other than the obvious. I didn't take them since I arrived here, and it was miserable - I decided I really needed to get a prescription. So I contacted my company's services, and after a lot of back and forth, found out that they couldn't give me an appointment anytime soon unless I saw a non-English speaking doctor. So I either had to suffer, or ask a friend to go to the appointment - yes, a gynecologist first-checkup appointment - with me to translate. I am very very very very very very lucky to have a friend here who would actually do that and that I wouldn't be embarrassed to ask. Thank you again, Katy. :)

The appointment was all the way in Prague 4. We got there surprisingly on time (8:30am) because Prague 4 is way further than I thought it was. After a short time we found the office and got to the waiting room. They don't know you, there's no reception, you just sit there and go on the honor system - the doctor himself comes out and says, "NEXT!" in Czech. After a few women went out, it was my turn.

Everything was pretty standard - the checkup was just like in the US. Except the doctor was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and his office was decorated with posters, calendars, and a mouspad (not to mention his plastic bracelet) of his favorite soccer team. Despite how normal the checkup itself was, it ranks with the top most awkward moments of my life. Having a friend in the room with you translating a language you can't understand more than two words of, a doctor who looks like he's eager to leave and go to the big game (not wearing a white coat, even), and everything being in just one room (from the dressing area, to the chair, to the table, to his desk and computer, to the sink, etc.).. well it was definitely an experience to remember that I really would rather forget, but probably won't.

After that, Katy and I went to the mall nearby for breakfast. I had taken a half day of work so I didn't need to be in until 1pm. She asked what I wanted to do next, and I said, "Well, since we're free...do you want to accompany me to Hloubetin to find a Nintendo service store so I can buy a European Wii adapter?" She accepted of course, so off we went.

Prague 9 is FAR. It's even further from Prague 4. But we got there, and when we got out of the metro station, we couldn't believe this area - there was NOTHING. I rarely leave my comfort zone of Prague 5 (lots of shops, restaurants, offices, apartment buildings, malls) or Prague 1 or 2 (castles, touristy areas, shops, etc.). Prague 9 (at least around Hloubetin) had a bunch of factories, about 3 people on the street, and one giant highway running through it. We asked a guy for directions (who I totally wowed with my 3 words of Czech, by the way - he was super proud of me:), and began to walk. After walking about 1km, we stopped in a store and found out we were going the totally wrong way. We took a tram back to where we came from and found the shop, which wasn't far from where we got off the tram to begin with. I bought my Wii adapter uneventfully for 1300Kc and we were on our way. I headed to work and Katy headed home.

What an adventure. I'd never been so happy to get back to civilization. For those back home, imagine if you only ever saw downtown Pittsburgh or Oakland or Shadyside, and then you took a metro and ended up in Greentree or something - where it's just a highway and a bunch of giant places. Greentree is even stretching it, I'm thinking more like Aliquippa but without the guns and danger (Prague is pretty safe no matter where you go).

So that brings me to the weekend, I suppose. After work yesterday (Friday), Beliza and I decided to go see a movie, and I insisted on Julie and Julia, because I was dying to see it even in the US but it took longer to get here. We went for a drink and a couple small appetizers at the Argentinian place (codfish and prawns with toast, and a chimichanga de pollo, shared between us - yes, Mom, I ate fish:). We ate our little food and had our beer and browsed a bookstore until 7:30pm came around, then headed to the movie. It was great - what a sweet movie. We both came out loving it, and doing impressions of Julia Child. :)

After that I headed home, not really knowing what to do.. so I made some dinner and downloaded the new episode of The Office (Jim and Pam's wedding:). I was about 10 minutes into it when Petr IMed me and said he was bored at home and wanted to hang out. So rather than go anywhere, he just came over and we hung out here until around 2. He had to go to school early in the morning so it was probably bad that we hung out that long, but we might be seeing each other again tonight (so he says - my friend from work also wants to do something so who knows where I'll end up).

Tomorrow I'm going to watch the Steeler game with Beliza! She's excited to see an American football game in an American bar, and I'm excited to see my boys kick some ass. :) Go Pittsburgh!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One man's junk... Part 2

Today after work I went to the health clinic to pick up a form for my appointment on Thursday. After that, since I was near Narodni Trida, I stopped at the middle eastern market to pick up a few things. I felt satisfied with having gone somewhere semi-interesting after work, and happily walked home from the metro station.

As I was coming into the building, I noticed some gypsy children playing in my boxes and paper again, scattering it all over the sidewalk. A woman was going inside the building with her child, and asked me once we got in the door, "I was wondering, are all of those boxes yours?"
"Oh.. I'm sorry to tell you, but the garbage men won't take this. You have to take it to the park around the corner, to the big bins."
"Ohh no, it's been a mess all week, I'm so sorry."
"You couldn't possibly know if you just moved to the building."
(I wanted to reply, "I couldn't possibly know that garbage men won't take garbage unless I'd just moved to the COUNTRY," but I refrained.)

So around 7:30pm, I decided to suit up and head out to get to work on the boxes. I had a hunch, and looked out over my balcony to see that the kids were still swimming in garbage. So I waited another hour and went out around 8:45, when all was clear.

I managed to fill one of the bins completely with all of the miscellaneous paper and stuff that was packed inside the boxes, and then managed to crush all the boxes and carry everything in two (very heavy) trips.

I must say, there is no chivalry here. At least three men saw me hauling a hugely heavy box, one of them I actually had to pull by part of the lid because I couldn't even lift it, and nobody offered to help. I hate to make comparisons, but in Pittsburgh, ANYONE would have offered to help if they saw a girl struggling with something heavy.

Here, I'm impressed if a guy lets me walk out of a door ahead of him.

Ohhh well.. it's done now, and no more angry neighbors.

One man's junk...

I was coming home from work/Tesco yesterday with some heavy bags. Struggling with the door and feeling a bit crabby from the slight drizzle, I set my things down to find my keys in my purse.

As I was fumbling, I heard a stifled giggle somewhere behind me. Going on the defensive, I wondered who thought my actions were so funny. I turned around to see...nobody. That was when I noticed a small pair of shoes/feet sticking out from one of the large boxes that I'd been putting outside the week before. There was a little Czech girl sitting inside!

Now, if I were in the US, I'd have played along and said out loud something like, "I wonder where that noise came from? I don't see anyone! It must be a ghost!" And then the child would giggle more, and I would tease with them a bit more and it would be adorable.

But alas, my Czech is terrible (actually a more fair word would be "non-existent"), so I just smiled to myself, opened the door, and went inside.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


As I posted a couple entries ago, I got a radio, which I am loving so much. Tonight they played Step by Step by New Kids on the Block, and it was fantastic.

Every several songs, they play a Czech song. Now, I don't know if these are popular songs or anything, but I do enjoy some of them. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't have to understand music to like it - I love Arabic music, Croatian music, anything folksy and ethnic, even if I don't speak the language.

But now that I know a few words here and there in Czech, I start to hear them. Or, rather, IMAGINE hearing them, because there's absolutely no way that they're saying what I think they're saying. Especially when I hear random English words in the same sentence.

The example that caused this entry is a song that sounds like the guy is singing, "freshness sebou". That would mean... freshness to go (to go as in, "I'd like my order to go" in a restaurant).

I also heard the word for the number 4 (čtyři) at least 'deset krat' in that song.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bake a ghoose

Best IM I've ever received.. you can really tell I'm in the Czech Republic:

Petr says:
and i go to bed again, cuz we woke up at 9....bake a ghoose, drunk lots of beers and have a nap at 3pm

I love it.

I wasn't so productive today that I baked a goose, but I did go to a nice middle eastern lunch with Beliza (the kafta was AWESOME) and then to Ikea, where I bought more things than I probably should have. I'm so obsessed with making my apartment look "homey" that I am just going nuts on things I shouldn't. Anyway, I am done for a while. I didn't really buy anything silly, maybe unnecessary at the moment but I'd have to (want to) buy them eventually anyway.

I bought:
-three throw pillows, two for the couch and one for the chair (adds some color to the room)
-a curtain to hang betweeen my bedroom and the kitchen, because there's no door
-a pillow case for the special-shaped pillow I bought
-a canister for sugar, because I am scared I'll get bugs if I leave it sitting in the box it came in
-a canister-ish container to put all my cooking utensils in (spatulas, wooden spoons, etc.)
-a wastebasket for the bathroom, which I keep wishing I had every day
-a picture frame that was on sale

So, nothing stupid. Anyway, I am going to put in some laundry and take a nap, because I found out I am going to meet my friend Shaz (for the first time, since we met on Facebook or something) later. We've been talking on MSN for weeks but he wasn't in Prague for a while, so now that he's back we're going to go get a couple drinks later and do something fun.

Hooray for new friends :)

Later, gators.


Yesterday I was so excited for it to be the weekend and so excited that I finished unpacking that I decided to celebrate in my apartment with some Becherovka. I was happily chatting online when I got a text from my new work friend Henrique asking if I'm going to Rincon Latino, and did I want to meet there around midnight. Hell yes!

So I headed out and met up with him and his girlfriend (who was a total sweetheart). I danced quite a bit, mostly with Pablo who decided to magically stop being creepy, and with some others as well. I had some awkward times with my Bolivian friend and at the end of the night, after many drinks and a great time, I decided to head home.

But I wasn't tired, and I hate going home early (is 4am really early?) on a Friday night, so I texted Petr with the following: "Hi! Are you sleeping, or drinking?" He called just a few minutes later to say that he and his friends were awake at his place, and that I should come over. He said they had plenty to drink, and I mentioned I had Becherovka. So (and why I thought this was necessary, I'll never know) I went home, got the Becherovka (which I ended up NOT drinking and neither did they, because by the time I got there the two friends were passed out and Petr and I ended up just sitting at his kitchen table and chatting about nothing), and went over to his place which is about two buildings away from mine.

I got home around 6:30am, took a shower, set an alarm for 10am, and here I am having some breakfast. Soon I'll get ready to go meet Beliza for an Ikea day (I might as well just move in there).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Missing Link

Before I left for Prague, my mom was working on a jigsaw puzzle - a Springbok (we are puzzle snobs, and Springbok is the best) - that I had bought her as a just-because gift.

Well she continued and continued after I left, working on it by herself, with a friend, with a couple friends, and then finally came to the end: there was a piece misssing.

Now, I had a lot of stuff out on the kitchen table (where the puzzle was) to pack - and the day the movers came, we said, "Boy I hope they don't pack any of the puzzle pieces by mistake."

When a piece went missing, we had to assume it was in one of my 20 or so boxes of stuff.

So here I am in my apartment, unpacking and listening to the Bob FM of the Czech Republic on the radio, when I finally got to a fun box - the spices!! I opened it up, removed a piece of packing paper, and lo and behold sitting on top of my two giant bottles of Frank's Red Hot was a tiny puzzle piece.

Mom, it will be in the mail soon. :)

No mo'

Mo' as in...motivation.

I do not feel like unpacking anymore.

As I was walking home from work today, I imagined a night full of hard work, and at the end of the night, a completely clear living room. But then I got inside, closed the door, and couldn't think of anything besides going to sleep. It was such a gray day and looked all day like it was going to rain. I thought, a 20-minute nap won't hurt. 20 minutes turned into an hour, and the snooze button turned an hour into an hour and a half.

It felt awesome :)

But here I am, living room still messy and covered in boxes. Oh well, it's only 8:17.. there's still time.


I don't think the Halloween party is going to happen :( I was chatting with some friends today and found out that Czechs like to call the police after about 10 or 11pm if you have a party, and then they may or may not give you a fine. I am American so they would give a big fine for sure, thinking I have money (this is how it works here - so many people try to screw me out of money. I want to get a T-shirt that says "I earn a Czech salary, too".)

I know that from the guest list and how much my friends like to drink that we could NOT keep the noise level down, especially if there is Wii going on. Oh well.

I'll still think it over, I guess.

What a downer.